Your Industrial Property in Unicorporated Los Angeles is Being Downzoned!
DESTROYING Property Values, Businesses and Jobs!
* Inform other Property and Business Owners and Employees Affected by the *METROPOLITAN AREA PLAN * New Artisan Zone (M-0.5) being established to replace Manufacturing Zones. * M-0.5 to include uses such as hobby, jewelry, ice cream store and shelters INFO@STOPTHEDOWNZONE.COM CONTACT:714.269.2519
A Large Group of Property, Business Owners, Employees, and Residents are Uniting in Opposition Join Us!
- Check Back or Contact Us For Future Meetings
July 2023 Update Planning has stopped all Zoom Appts. We are not being heard. Planning has 5 years to implement .5 new zone. Tell County to take out chapter 5 from the MAP plan going to hearing in September 2023. Restore our land values. WRITE LETTERS ! This Rezoning is NOT going away. We must stay together and grow larger as the industrial group.
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